Art has the power to raise our consciousness, and reimagine this world.
Butch Morris, "9/11 Break up to Make up, Choral Interpretations on the Writings of Maurice Blanchot.” Performance, September 11, 2010 (Conduction®), Third Streaming Gallery. Image credit Whitney Browne.
What Third Streaming Does
We provide a comprehensive suite of integrated management consulting tools to strengthen organizational performance for long-term sustainability.
We evaluate programs, outcomes, and processes to improve performance and increase efficiency for meaningful impact.
We measure impact of grant programs using qualitative and quantitative methods.
We offer strategies and structures of artists’ legacies and estates management.
How Third Streaming Works
We partner with our clients to help leverage their existing resources, and empower them to take their organization to the next level. We work to establish a culture of cooperation, integrity, trust, transparency, and joy. We ensure confidentiality, loyalty, and targeted expertise.
By doing so, we help clients:
Gain clarity about what they are doing and where they are going
Create internal alignment
Strengthen the impact of their work
Achieve their highest aspirations
"Social,” Derrick Adams. From the "Paladar" dinner series, October 1, 2014, Third Streaming Gallery. Image credit Whitney Browne.
What Third Streaming Believes In
Third Streaming upholds our reputation for passion-driven art leadership by prioritizing artists and artistic practice at the intersection of social justice. We work alongside our clients — who understand the critical role artists play in larger society — to make our world a better place. To accomplish this, Third Streaming creates safe places where we ask the hard questions. Real transformation happens when we are willing to get out of our comfort zone and embrace change. Through empowerment and knowledge-sharing, Third Streaming is able to create pathways for new visions to manifest.
Who Third Streaming Works With
Nonprofit arts and culture institutions
Foundations supporting arts and culture initiatives
Artist-endowed foundations
Individual artists and artist estates
Charitably-minded families and individuals
Work For Individual Artists
Legacy Planning
Estate Management
Professional Development
Market Advice and Strategic Planning

Proven Leadership for the Arts
Yona is an active listener with an exceptional ability to see multiple sides of a situation, which enables her to successfully navigate complex webs of authority and responsibility. She believes collaborative solutions and transparent processes are key to achieve successful outcomes. She is able to see the whole and make the parts fit. Her skills include helping organizations envision their next evolution, and articulating the steps necessary to get there.
Image credit Whitney Browne.