Copyright Request

The Alvin Baltrop Trust administers copyright permissions for images of works by Alvin Baltrop through the Artists Rights Society (ARS). All reproductions of work by Alvin Baltrop must be accompanied by the credit line: Photographs used courtesy of The Alvin Baltrop Trust, © 2010, The Alvin Baltrop Trust / Artists Rights Society (ARS) and Galerie Bucholz, New York. All rights reserved. Additional credit and/or caption text may be required depending on usage and image source. 

There is a fee for each image. Fees are subject to change depending on their use.

Please note that if permission for reproduction is granted, the image(s) of the licensed work(s) must be shown in its entirety without cropping, overwriting, bleeding or distortion or any other alteration, unless prior written approval from the Estate is delivered to the Licensee.

All requests concerning the use of photography by Alvin Baltrop and his archive must be addressed to the Artists Rights Society:

Janet Hicks
Artists Rights Society (ARS)
65 Bleecker Street 
New York, NY 10012

Tel (212) 420-9160 
Fax (212) 420-9286